Does Your Circuit Breaker Need to Be Replaced?

Needless to say, all of our Energy Smart New Homes are fully equipped with reliable sources of electricity. But as the years go on, the hub where all of that electricity flows through can begin to work less efficiently. Yes, we are talking about the circuit breaker. The circuit breaker in your electrical panel plays a crucial role in protecting your home from electrical overloads and short circuits. If it's not functioning properly, it can pose a safety risk. Here are some signs that your circuit breaker may need replacing.

Does It Trip Often?

If your circuit breaker frequently trips and requires resetting, this is more than an annoying inconvenience. It may be a sign of an overloaded circuit. While occasional tripping is normal, frequent occurrences could indicate a problem.

Does It Have a Smell?

Do you notice a burning smell when near your electrical panel? A persistent burning smell near the electrical panel could be due to overheating or burning within the circuit breaker. This is a serious issue that requires immediate attention.

Can You See Damage?

Physical damage to the circuit breaker, such as burn marks, rust, or corrosion, is a clear sign that it needs replacement. Damaged components can compromise the breaker's effectiveness and clearly signals that something isn’t right.

Will It Not Reset?

If a tripped breaker refuses to reset or keeps tripping immediately after being reset, it may indicate a fault in the circuit breaker itself.

Does It Make Buzzing or Humming Sounds?

Do you notice unusual sounds emanating from the panel? Unusual sounds, such as buzzing or humming, coming from the circuit breaker panel may indicate a loose connection or internal damage.

How Old Is Your Breaker?

You should also take into consideration how old your circuit breaker is. Older circuit breakers, especially those with outdated technology, will naturally become less reliable over time. If your home still has a fuse box or an older circuit breaker panel, it might be a good idea to consider an upgrade for safety.

Do Your Lights Flicker?

If your lightbulbs are in good condition and you still experience flickering lights, it may be a sign there is a deeper issue. Flickering or dimming lights, especially when using multiple appliances, may signal issues with the circuit breaker.

So, if you notice any of these signs, it's essential to address the problem promptly. Electrical issues can pose safety hazards, and a malfunctioning circuit breaker may not provide adequate protection, plus it is just downright inconvenient to not have reliable electricity.

By Energy Smart New Homes 11-28-2023
