Decisions That Will Make Home Buyer Successful

There are a number of decisions that home buyers make that help them to be successful. Most people want to buy a home but aren’t able to afford it. Trying to apply for bank loans and making it all work out can be a headache especially when you don’t have as much money as you would like for a down payment. Energy Smart New Homes wants all homebuyers to be successful so here are some of the secrets that we have seen throughout the years.

One of the biggest things that home buyers need to do is start saving. That sounds like a no brainer but it’s harder than it seems. You need to decide on an amount that you’re going to put into a designated “new home” saving account every week. This should be a non-negotiable aspect of the home buying process. You want at least 20% for a down payment. This means that you’re going to have to cut some unnecessary things out in order to make sure you can save the needed amount each week. This will help out in the long run and help you to feel more ready for the investment you’re about to make.

Pay all of your bills on time. This also seems like a no brainer but in the day to day life of things it can be hard to keep up with everything. To be able to qualify for a reasonable interest rate you need a credit score in at least the 600s. This means that you have to be responsible with all your credit cards and bills. They need to be paid on time. This not only helps you with the interest rate but also shows that you are responsible enough to handle the expenses that a home brings.

Energy Smart New Homes is all about a home with the least amount of expenses added to it. That’s why we build homes that are energy efficient so that there is less coming out of your pocket at the end of the month. Call us today to take a look at the homes we have available. Energy Smart New Homes looks forward to getting to help change the lives of your family!

By Energy Smart New Homes 1-22-2019
